Top Adventure Summer Camps and Summer Adventure Programs for Kids & Teens in New York

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Pok-O-MacCready Camps
Willsboro, New York

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1391 Reber Road
Willsboro, New York 12996

Watch Our Pok-O-MacCready Camps Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: "Sometimes, you have to unplug in order to connect." That's what we think at Pok-O-MacCready Camps, a traditional co-ed camp located on a beautiful lake in upstate New York's Adirondack Mountains. Family-owned since 1905, Pok-O-MacCready provides a classic summer camp experience that mixes exciting summer adventures and new opportunities with great friends in a picturesque natural setting.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Sailing, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Swimming, Volleyball, Science, Soccer, Tennis, Weightloss, Basketball, Baseball, Team Sports, and more. Archery, Mountain Biking, Rockclimbing (outdoors & Indoor Climbing Climbing Facility), Ultimate Frisbee, Street Hockey, Kayaking, Canoeing, Fishing, Drawing & Painting, Arts & Crafts, Wildlife Ecology, Pioneer Living Skills, Blacksmithing, Animal Care, Pottery, Native American Lore

TOP NEW YORK ADVENTURE CAMP: Pok-O-MacCready Camps is a Top Adventure Summer Camp located in Willsboro New York offering many fun and enriching Adventure and other camp programs. Pok-O-MacCready Camps also offers CIT/LIT and/or Teen Leadership Opportunities, too.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 5 hours north of New York City, and less than two hours south of Montreal, Canada. The camp encompasses 300 acres of forest, fields, and private trails and is located on a beautiful, quiet lake. Our proximity to the Adirondack Mountains allows our campers to explore an additional 6 million acres of protected wilderness. Please visit our website for lots of camp photos and videos.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have more than 60 cabins, a lakefront boating and swimming area, an a-frame dining hall with a massive stone fireplace, a 3200 square-foot indoor rockclimbing center, 3 barns and horse pastures, indoor & outdoor classrooms, sports fields, tennis courts, basketball court, street hockey rink, pottery studio, archery range, low ropes course, team building course, and a 19th century working farm (with barns, vegetable gardens, animal pastures, maple sugarhouse, candlemaking cabin, blacksmith forge, woodshop, TreeHouse Nature center, and a one-room schoolhouse)

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Pok-O-MacCready Camps is one of the oldest summer camps in the world. In fact, our boys’ camp is the oldest in the United States having been privately owned and operated by the same family since its establishment in 1905. In 1967 our current director, Jack Swan, saw the need for a summer camp for girls and opened Camp MacCready. We are now one big family, combining our names to “Pok-O-MacCready” and operating as a traditional residential Adirondack summer camp for boys and girls ages six to sixteen.

The proximity of our summer camp to the Adirondack Wilderness Park grants us access to more than 6 million acres of woodland, rocks, rivers, lakes, and mountains to explore. We consider it a privilege to be able to share this gorgeous part of the country with our campers each summer, and enjoy fostering their love of the outdoors while teaching them stewardship for the environment.

Pok-O-MacCready Camps is fully accredited by the American Camping Association (ACA) and adheres to all standards of compliance with the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our CIT program for girls and ADV (Advanced) program for boys is an important finale to the summer camp career for our 15 and 16 year old campers! This rite of passage teaches them responsibility and independence and allows them to give back to the summer camp that has been an important part of their lives. As a send-off, you will save 20% off your child’s second (and final) year in the program. (The discount is taken off the regular tuition rate, and cannot be combined with other offers. The camper must have attended the first year of the CIT/ADV program to qualify.)

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Pok-O-MacCready is very proud of its affiliation with the Adirondack Scholarship Foundation, which awards approximately 20 need-based financial aid packages to campers each summer.

To find out more, please contact the Foundation by visiting Our Camp Website Link: or email adkscholarship[AT]


Summer camp isn’t just for kids anymore! Want to experience camp for yourself and wrap it up into an inexpensive family vacation? Maybe you and your children are just curious to see what Pok-O-MacCready is all about, but you’re not quite ready to take the plunge with an entire summer. We have an answer for that: bring the whole family to camp! Our annual Family Camp week runs at the end of August and is all-inclusive of accommodation, meals, activities and programming, and transportation for trips outside of camp. Our rates are reasonable, and simply put: YOU CAN’T BEAT IT! Contact Us to get this year’s Family Camp dates and rates.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Pok-O-MacCready operates an Outdoor Education Center on its grounds from September through June of each year. Since 1974, the Pok-O-MacCready Outdoor Education Center has welcomed thousands of students and adults to participate in wilderness adventure excursions, team building dynamics, wildlife & ecology studies, living history programs, community events, and conservation initiatives. Apart from onsite day & multi-day overnight programs, PMOEC is available for school visits and in-classroom programming. The facilities are also available for venue rental for weddings, conferences, reunions, and community events.

Find out more by visiting Our Camp Website Link:


FULL SEASON (7 Weeks) JULY 1, 2018 – AUGUST 18, 2018 Standard Rate: $8,200.

It’s true! Many of our campers choose to stay for all seven weeks of the summer. Staying for the whole season really allows campers to hone their skills in their class areas, go on more wilderness trips, and means they won’t miss out on any of the big summer camp events! In addition, 7-weekers get to enjoy special events in between the 4-week and 3-week session break such as Beach Day and a day trip to the Great Escape amusement park. Some campers choose to register for the first 4 weeks, and then decide later to upgrade to the full 7-week session, and that’s just fine by us. If you’re unsure whether your camper would like to be a 4-weeker or a 7-weeker, don’t worry…it only takes a mouse-click for us to change a 4-weeker to a 7-weeker. Feel free to discuss that option with your child if you think they could benefit from a longer session!

4-WEEK SESSION JULY 1, 2018 – JULY 29, 2019 Standard Rate: $6,400
The first half of the summer consists of our 4-week overnight program. The 4-week session allows campers to learn new skills and take part in a variety of classes. The session includes many themed events which lead up to our “Color Wars”, in which campers don their colors of Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, or Green and see which team will come out on top: these games have been a camper favorite for decades!

“ROOKIE CAMP” (2 Weeks, for ages 6-10 only)
JULY 1, 2018 – JULY 14, 2018 Standard Rate: $3,200

For the first two weeks of the 4-Week session, we run a two week “Rookie Camp” for first-time campers between the ages of 6 to 9 years old. We feel this short session is a good bite-sized introduction to summer camp, and also allows campers the flexibility to stay on for the remainder of the 4-week session if they get bitten by the “summer camp bug” and want to stay longer!

3-WEEK SESSION (Overnight) JULY 31, 2018 – AUGUST 18, 2018 Standard Rate: $4,600

The 3-Week session offers two options to campers: a traditional overnight summer camp program, or a day-camp option. The 3-Week session is full of fun classes Mondays – Fridays, with special events planned on the weekends. It’s also the session in which our famous GREEK GAMES take place, as well as some of our campers’ all-time favorite camp events like the “Pok-O-Palooza” music festival, the Jack’s Cup sailing race, Casino Night, and the Pok-O County Fair.

3-WEEK SESSION (Day Camp)* JULY 21, 2018 – AUGUST 18, 2018 Standard Rate: $2,100 for a first-time camper.

Our day campers attend camp from approximately 9am to about 5pm Mondays through Fridays. Just like overnight campers, they get to create their own class schedule from a list of over 30 program offerings. They are, of course, assigned to a cabin and counselor and have their own bunks so they have a comfortable spot to relax during Rest Hour. Day campers also have the option of staying the night for an evening activity or program if they wish, and we can easily make those arrangements, although a small fee may apply. They also have the added bonus of being able to stay overnight the last week of camp for no additional fee!

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New York Summer Adventure Camps Offer Wide Range of Adventure Programs & Summer Adventure Activities

Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each New York Adventure Summer Camp or Summer Adventure Recreation Program.

Many New York Day and Sleepaway Adventure Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of Adventure Activities.

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Updated: May 24, 2018

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