Top Adventure Summer Camps and Summer Adventure Programs for Kids & Teens in Massachusetts

Best Massachusetts Adventure Camps Summer 2025 Directory

Find the Best Adventure Camps in Massachusetts!

Over 53 Massachusetts Adventure Summer Camps Listed Below with In-Depth Camp Info, including: Videos, Photos, Maps & Detailed Descriptions

Best Massachusetts Adventure Camps in 2025
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Winter Adventure Camps, Programs, Workshops, & Classes in Massachusetts are Starting in February, 2025

Many of our Massachusetts Adventure Camps offer Winter Adventure Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.

Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Adventure Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.

Winter 2025 Adventure Camp Open Houses & Reunions

Many of our Adventure Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.

Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.

Best Massachusetts Winter Adventure Day Camps Starting in February, 2025

Looking for a Great Massachusetts Adventure Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best Massachusetts Day Adventure Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.

Best Massachusetts Year-Round
Adventure Camps, Classes & Adventure Programs

Many of our Best Massachusetts Summer Adventure Camps also offer Year Round Adventure Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Adventure Programs, too.

Best Massachusetts Winter Adventure Camp Jobs

Searching for Massachusetts Adventure Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Adventure Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.

View ALL MA Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.

Some of the Best Adventure Camps in the Northeast are here in Massachusetts.


Cape Cod Sea Camps
Brewster, Massachusetts

Visit Our Cape Cod Sea Camps Website
PO Box 1880
Brewster, Massachusetts 02631

Find the Best Adventure Camp in Brewster, Massachusetts

Watch Our Cape Cod Sea Camps Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: SUMMER AT THE BEACH. For more than 90 years, CCSC has played host to campers from throughout the country and the world. Directly on Cape Cod Bay and operated by the same family since 1922, CCSC is recognized as one of the top sailing camps in the USA. CCSC boasts one of the finest sailing programs with fleets of 28 Cape Cod Mercury’s, 16 Sunfish and 10 Club 420s. Also, exceptional programs in many other activities including Archery, Riflery, Tennis, Arts, Land Sports, Drama, Woodworking, Swimming and more.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Swimming, Volleyball, Soccer, Tennis, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Team Sports, and more.

Cape Cod Sea Camps is a Top Adventure Summer Camp located in Brewster Massachusetts offering many fun and educational Adventure and other activities, including: Tennis, Basketball, Soccer and more. Cape Cod Sea Camps is a top Adventure Camp for ages: 8-17.

CAMP LOCATION: Cape Cod Sea Camps are located directly on Cape Cod Bay in Brewster MA. We offer 70 acres with 1000 feet of beachfront as well as a 70 acre outpost camp on nearby Long Pond.

CAMP FACILITIES: Cape Cod Sea Camps has comfortable screened cabins with electricity in all. We offer swimming in our new heated pool. We also have a modern Arts Center for creative arts, a new Boathouse to host our sailing programs as well as an outdoor theater for camp performances. Our 16 target Archery Range and Athletic Fields are enjoyed by campers daily. We also enjoy the benefits of an outpost camp on nearby Long Pond.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Cape Cod Sea Camps is a traditional, general activities camp where campers create their own schedules on a weekly basis. While sailing is one of our top offerings, our other major activities are equal in strength and offer a well rounded experience for the non-sailors. Our programs are Educational, Safety Oriented and Fun. Activities such as Sailing, Tennis, Archery, Riflery, Swimming, Waterskiing and Windsurfing include teaching progressions that result in awards when achieving certain goals.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our Teen Leadership Program is nationally recognized and serves campers through the high school years. This program is generally filled by returning campers and can only be entered at age 14.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Cape Cod Sea Camps is available for lease during the spring and fall. Many schools use our facilities to augment their classroom studies, or as a base for their Cape Cod field trips.

Please refer to our website for Dates, Rates and Availability at: Our Camp Website Link:

Please refer to the openings for staff on our website, at: Our Camp Website Link:

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Cape Cod Sea Camps

There are 30 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

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Massachusetts Adventure Camps

Please note that our list of 2025 Massachusetts Adventure Camps also includes information on Massachusetts Adventure Camp Scholarships, Financial Aid, and other 'Campership' or Financial Assistance. Look within each camp's description for the CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE heading.

View ONLY Massachusetts Adventure Day Camps?

Would you like to see a List of Top Massachusetts Adventure Day Camps Only, Organized by City?

We will re-sort this list and show you only Adventure Day Camps, organized alphabetically by city.

Summer on the Hill Camps
Marblehead, MA

Visit Our Summer on the Hill Camps Website
Community Road, Marblehead
Marblehead, MA 01945

More than 6 months ago. Contact camp for the latest 2025 camp info.



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Theater, Swimming, Science, Academics, Computers, Math, Technology, Tennis, Golf, Basketball, Team Sports, and more. Sports, Krav Maga, Robotics, Science, Art, Drama, Tennis, Swimming, Dance, KinderCamp, Chess

CAMP LOCATION: Summer on the Hill is located on a beautiful 11-acre campus in Marblehead, MA.

CAMP FACILITIES: Summer on the Hill features Outdoor/Indoor Pools, Tennis & Basketball Courts, Playing Fields, Playgrounds, Gymnasium, Dance Studio, Art Studios, Science Labs and more

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Summer on the Hill runs award-winning camp programs here on our beautiful 11-acre campus with Outdoor/Indoor Pools, Playing Fields, Basketball and Tennis Courts, Gymnasium, Dance Studio and Art Studios.

Choose from PrimeTime for Toddlers, KinderCamp, Simchah Specialties (like Golf, Tennis, Robotics, Art, Dance and more) and a Teen Internship Program. For more information, go to Our Camp Website Link: or contact Camp Director Scott Kaplan at 781-631-8330 or skaplan[AT]

Everyone is welcome at Summer on the Hill!


Camp runs June 24th to August 23rd. For more information, go to Our Camp Website Link:

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Summer on the Hill Camps

There are 29 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Adventure Camps in MA
Offer Day & Overnight Options

Some Massachusetts Adventure Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.

Some Massachusetts Adventure Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

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After School Club
Woburn, Massachusetts

Visit Our After School Club Website
fax: 781-569-0052

60 Forest Park Road
Woburn, Massachusetts 01801-2439

60 Forest Park Road
Woburn, MA  01801-2439


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Weekdays 7:45 - 5:45

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Don’t pay for days you don’t need. The After School Club offers summer fun – one day at a time!

Each week offers a different theme with 2 fun and sometimes out of the ordinary field trips. The ASC takes daily trips to an outdoor swimming pool. We offer a unique opportunity for supervised play in 10 acres of woods right outside our door. What a perfect setting for playing Capture the Flag!

Wilderness/Nature, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Swimming, Science, Academics, Soccer, Basketball, Team Sports, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located at the Lutheran Church in Forest Park, a 10 acre site with woods to explore and paths to walk. Please visit our website for details of our summer and school year programs.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our building has an indoor space for sports, a kitchen for our cooking activities and 4 classrooms for different age groups. Outside we have a basketball hoop, 4 square and hopscotch alongside the beautiful Forest Park. We drive the children to a Woburn public pool for swimming and go to a local baseball field for our annual ASC Kickball game.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our carefully selected, experienced staff is dedicated to meeting the needs of each child by providing a safe and caring environment. They take an active interest in promoting values of self-esteem, independence and mutual respect. Many are teaching professionals who work in Woburn and surrounding towns. All are trained in CPR, first aid and childhood development. The diversity in age and background of our staff helps to make the ASC "The place where kids have so much fun, they beg to stay later!"

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: During the school year we pick up from Woburn Elementary Schools and transport the children to the After School Club where they stay until 5:45p.m.

During Christmas, February and April vacations we are open full days from 7:45a.m. - 5:45p.m.

Don't pay for days you don't need! We offer summer fun one day at a time!!
We are open from June 26, 2017 to August 25, 2017. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are non field trip days which cost $47 per day. Tuesdays and Thursdays are field trip days which cost $67 per day. There is a registration fee of $35 for one child and $50 for a family.

Please go to Our Camp Website Link: for complete information

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After School Club

There are 28 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

JCC Grossman Camp
Dover, MA

Visit Our JCC Grossman Camp Website
Winter - 617-244-5124
Summer - 781-329-9300

294 Powissett St
Dover, MA 02030

333 Nahanton Street
Newton, MA 02459

Watch Our JCC Grossman Camp Video

CAMPER AGES: 4 1/2 -15 years


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Jewish. Everyone welcome

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Grossman’s inclusive program offers campers with mild to moderate disabilities a regular camp program under the guidance of experienced counselors. There is also the opportunity for inclusion with extra support. A limited number of spaces are available for this program and interviews are required.

Please contact the JCC Camp Grossman Special Needs Director at 617-244-5124 or contact grossman-special-needs[AT] for more information on this program.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Swimming, Gymnastics, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Wrestling, Team Sports, and more. Archery, Batting Cages, Board Games, Climbing Wall & Tower, Cooking, Dance, Drama, Football, Guitar, Gymnastics, Jewelry Making, Jewish Culture, Kickball, Knitting, Mountain Biking, Nature, Newcomb, Photography, Ropes/challenge Course, Sewing, Soccer, Softball, Street Hockey, T-ball, Video Production & Volleyball.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located just a short distance from the Greater Boston Area on 75 wooded acres on the Hale Reservation.

From the Intersection of Routes 128 and 109 Westwood, (exit 16B, Rte. 128). Follow 109 West to Dover Road. Turn right on Dover Road and follow about 1-1/2 miles to camp entrance on right. Follow the camp access road to the parking lot.

CAMP FACILITIES: Grossman Camp is located on 75 acres in the Hale Reservation in Westwood, Massachusetts. This natural, rustic setting affords many opportunities to observe and learn from the environment as we go about the camp day. Grossman’s modern, well-maintained facilities include:

- Fully equipped waterfront for swimming, fishing and boating
- Large playing fields and courts
- Lodge and shelter buildings
- Street hockey rink
- Ropes/challenge course
- Climbing walls and zip line
- Amphitheatre
- Arts & crafts complex, housing arts & crafts, jewelry-making, sewing and ceramics
- Wrestling center
- Strictly kosher food service provided for overnights and special events

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Grossman campers have varying interests and abilities, and at camp they have lots of choices.

Once they arrive, boys and girls participate in the program at a pace appropriate to their age. As they mature, they have more elective choices. Everyone receives Red Cross-approved instructional swim and participates in free swim under the supervision of trained instructors and lifeguards.


Stuart Silverman, Assistant Vice President, Camping Services

Stuart Silverman directs JCC Grossman Camp and also oversees JCC Camp Kingswood and JCC Kaleidoscope Creative Arts + Science Camp. He began his career at Grossman in 1977 as a counselor, then moved on to Unit Head and Assistant Director before being promoted to the Director position in 1990. Stuart retired as a veteran guidance counselor at Lexington High School in 2009 to devote himself full time to the JCC camps. He received a BA in History from The George Washington University; a Masters in Guidance and Counseling from Springfield College; and an MA in Educational Administration from Boston College.

Sue Green, Assistant Director of Camping Services

Sue Green has been at Grossman for more than 25 summers; during the cooler months she works in the JCC Camping Services office and is also responsible for the JCC School Vacation Programs. At camp, she supervises the Lower Camp, the Kehillah Unit, and Jewish programming. In addition, Sue teaches hebrew school at Temple Emanuel. She received her BA's in Sociology and Education from Clark University and an MSW from Boston College. A Jewish educator at heart, she spent many years as the principal of a synagogue religious school.

Leslie Hochstein, Assistant Director

Leslie Hochstein has been at Grossman since 2007 when she started as a Unit Head. In 2009 she was promoted to Specialist Supervisor and in 2011 Leslie joined the JCC year-round as the Coordinator of Special Events and Recruiting for JCC Camping Services before becoming an Assistant Director in 2012. Leslie now supervises Intermediate Village and the Kibbutz program, as well as all of the camp Specialists. She is also responsible for coordinating Empow Workshop at the JCC. Prior to working at Grossman, Leslie stayed home with her young children after retiring from her first career as a criminal defense trial attorney with The Legal Aid Society in Brooklyn, New York. She received a BA in Politics from Mount Holyoke College and a JD from Boston College.

David Wolf, Assistant Director

David Wolf joined the Grossman staff in 1983 and currently oversees Upper Camp. He is often better known as "Mr. Maccabiah". In the off-season, he works at the Solomon Schechter Day School in Newton, where he teaches fifth grade and is the head of the Intermediate Division. He received a BA from Trinity College.

Sharon Lane, Transportation Director and Business Manager of Camping Services

Sharon Lane joined the summer Grossman staff in 2009. In 2012 she became Assistant Director of Transportation and then assumed the position of Director of Transportation in 2013. In addition, she joined the JCC year round as Business Manager of Camping Services in the fall of 2012. She received a BS in Mechanical Engineering from UMass, Amherst and an MBA from Bentley University.

Diane Saltzberg, Special Needs Director

Diane Saltzberg has been involved in camping for more than 25 years, and has been Special Needs Director at Grossman for more than 15 summers. Diane retired from the Weston Public Schools after 40 years as a School Adjustment Counselor and more recently retired from Striar Hebrew Academy in Sharon. In the off-season she is taking some well deserved time off.

Josh Shapiro, Waterfront Director
Josh Shapiro has overseen the Grossman waterfront for more than 40 summers. When he’s not swimming, Josh teaches seventh grade at the Dexter School in Brookline.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Counselors in Training (CITs), for boys and girls entering grade 10, learn the tools necessary to become counselors at Grossman Camp, while building personal leadership and communication skills, doing community service work, and participating in Maccabiah, a summer-long, lightly competitive activity that includes athletic and non-athletic challenges. CITs are assigned work with groups of campers, under supervision, in addition to their own recreational activities and skill sessions. Most Grossman Camp Junior Counselors are graduates of the CIT program.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: The JCC, together with generous individual and foundation donors, offer some financial assistance for campers on the basis of financial need only. For more information and a confidential conversation, please contact the Camp Office at 617-244-5124.

To access the financial form, click on: Our Camp Website Link:

JCC Grossman Camp


1. June 23-June 27
2. June 30-July 3 (no camp on July 4)
3. July 7-July 11
4. July 14-July 18
5. July 21-July 25
6. July 28-August 1
7. August 4-August 8
8. August 11-August 15
9. Special Week August 18-August 22 (alternate transportation applies)

For more information please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

Camp Nurse
Specialists : Basketball, Boating, Climbing Wall, Dance, Jewelry Making, Waterfront and Wrestling

For application visit: Our Camp Website Link:

Contact Sue Green at sgreen[AT] for additional information

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JCC Grossman Camp

There are 27 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Camp Wego
Massachusetts Location(s)

Visit Our Camp Wego Website

Florida Locations

Florida, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Travel Tours Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Wego offers high-quality tours for teen and adults with special needs year around. Our travel programs are unforgettable adventures. We are not your ordinary travel Camp! On our exciting, supervised educational travel programs, individuals learn new skills, make lifelong friends and explore extraordinary cultures in United States and abroad.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Camp Wego is a Travel camp serving teens and adult with special needs ages 14-65. We are a small travel special needs camp that travel in the United States and abroad. We are able to provide low staffing ratios, 1 to 4. (1:1 if needed) We have highly credentialed and experienced staff so each individuals needs are met. We add new and innovative travel and activities each year.

Our travel is designed to enhance social, friendship, culture, and other vital life skills that promote independence. Camp Wego helps travelers make new friends while traveling in a safe, fun and educational environment.

We offer high-quality supervised tours for teens and adults with special needs year around. Our travel programs are specialized for individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Autism, Learning Disabilities, ADHD and Asperger's syndrome.

Individuals must be ambulatory and be able to take care of personal hygiene needs.

Adventure, Travel, Swimming, Team Sports, and more. Travel, Travel Abroad, Cruises, Camping, Sightseeing, Theme Parks, Culture

CAMP LOCATION: Our year-round office is located in Florida. Our trips depart and operate from many of domestic and international locations. Our staff training is held every year in Florida.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Wego is fully committed to developing life and social skills for individuals with special needs ages 14 and up. We believe that our travel trips are a great way to experience independence, improve social skills, and increase self-esteem in a secure, safe and also an exciting environment. Our primary goals are to help travelers build self-esteem, develop better social skills and self-expression, make and maintain friendships, improve fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and sensory integration.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Wego travels year around.

OTHER CAMP INFO: No Financial aid offered.

Most trips cost $1000 and up

For complete info visit Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Wego

There are 26 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

The Bridge Center
Bridgewater, Massachusetts

Visit Our The Bridge Center Website
470 Pine Street
Bridgewater, Massachusetts 02324



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The mission of The Bridge Center is to support families by providing children, teens and adults with special needs the opportunities to build social, emotional, & physical skills so they may participate fully in their communities. We are committed to providing the supports that all families and children need to enjoy happy, healthy & productive lives. Our programs and services are designed to meet the needs of all individuals regardless of the nature or the severity of their disability, and our 20-acre campus is accessible to all participants.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: The Bridge Center specializes in affordable, year-round therapeutic recreation and equine-assisted therapy programs for individuals with disabilities. All programs are instructed by skilled staff and are designed to meet the social, emotional, and physical goals of participants, regardless of the nature and severity of their disabilities. Through innovative programming, The Bridge Center encourages independence and seeks to improve participants’ quality of life.

Activities include swimming, sports and games, paddle boats, archery, cooking, music, drama, arts and crafts and horseback riding.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Horses/Equestrian, Dance, Theater, Swimming, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Team Sports, and more. Ropes Course
Paddle Boating
Accessible Playground
Splash Pads
Accessible Pool

CAMP LOCATION: We are minutes off of 495N/S and Rt 24 in MA

CAMP FACILITIES: The Bridge Center is a fully-accessible 20+ acre campus located in Bridgewater, MA that offers Year-Round, Summer Camp, and Equine Assisted Programs designed for children, teens and adults with special needs. We have a pool, splash pads, a pond, ropes course elements, sports fields, and more!

The mission of The Bridge Center is to support families by providing children, teens and adults with special needs the opportunities to build social, emotional, & physical skills so they may participate fully in their communities. We are committed to providing the supports that all families and children need to enjoy happy, healthy & productive lives. Our programs and services are designed to meet the needs of all individuals regardless of the nature or the severity of their disability, and our 20-acre campus is accessible to all participants.

We serve hundreds of children, teens and adults year-round through our Summer Camp, Year Round and Equine Assisted Programs. Children learn valuable life, social, and leisure skills through programs such as swimming, horseback riding, music, basketball, dance, soccer, drama, cooking, archery, nature walks, arts & crafts, boating, and fishing. The Bridge Center offers fun and growth for everyone!

Building Bridges to Play
Fun and play must be accessible to individuals of all ages. They provide opportunities to make friends, share experiences, discover abilities, and uncover talents. At The Bridge Center, we work to ensure that all children have the necessary supports to push their boundaries while having fun!

Building Bridges to Learn
The Bridge Center provides hands-on experiences in a safe, nurturing environment that empowers children, teens and adults to acquire meaningful skills they will use throughout their lives. In all aspects of our programs, participants and families learn to trust themselves, adapt to new situations, respond to challenges, and take pride in their successes. Our trained staff work with participants one-on-one and in small groups to ensure that learning is an integral part of every experience.

Building Bridges to Grow
Supportive experiences have the power to shape the way our participants identify their place in their ever-expanding worlds. Here at The Bridge Center, we help individuals develop the confidence, awareness, and insight that enables them to draw on their prior experiences for active participation at home, in school and throughout their communities.

ACA Accredited Camp
PATH Certified Riding Program
Low ratio camper to staff

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our VIP PROGRAM is a program for teenagers who are interested in developing leadership skills. They will have the opportunity to engage in a supervised and structured camp experience learning skills and exploring a possible job or volunteer opportunity. The VIPs spend part of the day developing the skills necessary to lead younger campers in daily activities such as sports and cooking. For the remainder of the day they enjoy recreation activities within their group focusing on teamwork, communication, and social skills

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial aid/scholarships are available based on demonstrated need.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: The Bridge Center is a fully-accessible 20+ acre campus located in Bridgewater, MA that offers Year-Round, Summer Camp, and Equine Assisted Programs designed for children, teens and adults with special needs.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Extended Day - Campers have additional indoor and outdoor camp activities such as swimming, sports, and art. Campers from all camp programs will attend extended day activities together. Available Monday-Thursday from 3pm-5pm for $25/day.

Early Drop Off - Camp starts each day at 9:00AM with drop off starting at 8:45AM. If you need to drop your child off earlier than that, you can register for our early drop program and drop your child off between 8:00AM-9:00AM. Available Monday-Friday for $15/day.

A bus picks up in Canton, Dorchester, Braintree and Avon Daily. For more information, call 508-697-7557

Camp Connect is a 3 or 6 week summer camp for campers ages 4-22 designed to meet the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of children with Asperger's Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and related disorders.

Full Session: 1-6 Price: *$3,750 Ratio: 1:3
Lite Session: 7-9 Price: *$1,875 Ratio: 1:3

Camp Discover is open to all children ages 4-22 regardless of the nature or severity of their disabilities. Campers enjoy therapeutic recreation and traditional playtime activities in a supportive, small group environment!

Sessions: 1-9 Price: *$525/wk Ratio: 1:1

We want everyone to come and enjoy our beautiful 22 acre campus! Camp Sunshine is for campers without disabilities who are looking for an active and eventful summer camp! Campers will fish and boat on the pond, explore our nature trails, play on our soccer and baseball fields, swim in the pool, and more! During each session, staff will assure campers have fun in the sun while developing tolerance, positive peer relationships and more.

Sessions: 1-2 Price: *$525/wk Ratio: 1:5

Camp Stepping Stone is a one week summer camp designed to meet the developmental, social, and behavioral needs of Adults, ages 22+, with Asperger's Syndrome, High Functioning Autism, or other related disorders.

Sessions: 3-4 Price: *$525/wk Ratio: 1:1

Camp Endeavor is open to children ages 4-22 diagnosed with Neuromuscular Diseases and other related disorders.

Session: 5 Price: *$525/wk Ratio: 1:1

Camp Summit creates opportunities for success among campers with emotional and psychiatric disorders that exhibit aggressive behaviors, impulse control, the ability to irritate others, and an inability to self-regulate.

Sessions: 6-9 Price: *$575/wk Ratio: 1:1

VIP is a weekly camp for teens and adults with high functioning disabilities that are interested in developing self-confidence and leadership skills that wills strengthen their readiness for volunteer and or work positions.

Sessions: 1-9 Price: *$500/wk Ratio: 1:4

Horse Camp is designed for those campers ages 8-16 that love the barn, animals and especially horses!

Sessions: 1-9 Price: $500/wk Ratio: 1:5

1-9 weeks of camp starting June 29-August 28. Visit our website for more information at: Our Camp Website Link:

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The Bridge Center

There are 25 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

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The Jack Rua Camp for Children with Diabetes (Camp Jack)
Rehoboth, Massachusetts

Visit Our The Jack Rua Camp for Children with Diabetes (Camp Jack) Website
90 Pond St.
Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769

4 South Main St. 
Fall River, MA 



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The Jack Rua Camp for Children with Diabetes is a friendly place where youth with diabetes, their siblings and friends benefit from hands-on learning experiences in diabetes management and support within a fun and welcoming environment. Come have fun in the sun! Archery, Nature, sports, fitness, arts & crafts, special guests and themes and great field trips are just a few of the great activities we offer!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Diabetes Self Management Education and Nutrition Classes

Wilderness/Nature, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Soccer, Weightloss, Basketball, Baseball, Football, and more. Archery&, Arts & Crafts, Nature, & Nutrition/Diabetes Management.

CAMP LOCATION: The Jack Rua Camp for Children with Diabetes is held at the beautiful Camp Buxton, located at 90 Pond Street in Rehoboth, MA.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have plenty of open space for sports and field activities, beautiful nature trails and river for exploration, an amphitheater and pavilion as well as our famous Gaga Pit (dodge ball pit).

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: The Jack Rua Camp for Children with Diabetes is a friendly place where youth with diabetes, their siblings and friends benefit from hands-on learning experiences in diabetes management and support within a fun and welcoming environment.

Our mission is to foster friendships among children with diabetes, their siblings and friends through a safe, active program while enabling them to learn about and face the common challenges of diabetes.

Camp Jack is Accredited by the American Camp Association and is a member of the Diabetes Education and Camping Association. We have a Registered Nurse on site at all times and each of our staff are trained by a Certified Diabetes Educator. The program’s small enrollment and staff-to-camper ratio ensures a quality camp program in which the campers receive plenty of supervision from exceptional role models, take part in a variety of camp experiences and learn something new every day.



FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Every Friday we have "Family Friday." Parents are encouraged to visit camp for a cookout and fun activities.

OTHER CAMP INFO: -Registered Nurse (RN) on Site
-Local Pediatrician as the Camp Health Care Consultant
-Staff Who are Trained by a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE)
-Staff Members Certified in CPR and First Aid
-Policies and Procedures in Compliance with the MA Department of Public Health
-Designated Blood Glucose Testing Time and Location
-Diabetes Regimen Followed
-Appropriate Snacks and Drinks Provided
-Accredited Member of the American Camp Association (ACA)
-Member of the Diabetes Education and Camping Association (DECA)

Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

Camp Jack will run from July 6th-August 14th 2015.
Please refer to our website for full registration packet and parent handbook.

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The Jack Rua Camp for Children with Diabetes Camp Jack

There are 24 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Adventures Camp
Tyngsboro, Massachusetts

Visit Our Adventures Camp Website
978-649-7611, Ext. 313
Academy of Notre Dame
180 Middlesex Road
Tyngsboro, Massachusetts 01879


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9am - 4pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Tired of sitting around the house in the summer? Want to spend time with your friends and go on some adventures? Well this is the camp for you! This camp will be attending different adventures catered to ages 6-18 all week. The off-site adventures will include hiking, swimming, sight-seeing, and many other adventures. Admission to all parks etc. and transportation are covered under the weekly fee.

Adventure, Travel, and more. Day Trips To Include…

Miller State Park – Pack Monadnock Hike
Georges Island, Boston MA (early Departure At 8:00 AM)
Liquid Planet, Candia NH
Canobie Lake Park, Salem NH (late Pick Up At 5:00 PM)
A Trip To A Local Zoo

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Adventures Camp
Aug. 2-7

Full Day 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM $525

Tired of sitting around the house in the summer? Want to spend time with your friends and go on some adventures? Well this is the camp for you! This camp will be attending different adventures catered to ages 6-18 all week. The off-site adventures will include hiking, swimming, sight-seeing, and many other adventures. Admission to all parks etc. and transportation are covered under the weekly fee. Children should bring any supplies needed daily such as food, water, clothing, and spending money

Day trips to include…

Miller State Park – Pack Monadnock Hike
Georges Island, Boston MA (early departure at 8:00 AM)
Liquid Planet, Candia NH
Canobie Lake Park, Salem NH (late pick up at 5:00 PM)
A trip to a local zoo
Hours for this camp are 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM unless otherwise stated.

Maximum 25 children, if the limit is reached, a waiting list will be formed.

1 shirt per summer included.

Aug. 2-7

Full Day 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM $525

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Adventures Camp

There are 23 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

YMCA Camp Wa Wa Segowea
Southfield, Massachusetts

Visit Our YMCA Camp Wa Wa Segowea Website
408 Foley Hill Rd
Southfield, Massachusetts 01259

Northwest CT YMCA
259 Prospect St
Torrington, CT 06790


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. RESIDENT CAMP for Boys and Girls Ages 7-14. DAY CAMP for Boys and Girls Ages 6-14. SENIOR OPTIONS CAMP (SOC) for Boys and Girls Age 15. EXCURSION CAMP for Boys and Girls Ages 15-17.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Sailing, Travel, Swimming, Soccer, Basketball, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Located in scenic Berkshires of Southfield, MA


Boys and Girls Ages 16-17

Teens with the ambition to lead will spend parts of each day exploring and expanding their skills under the direction of experienced staff, with opportunities to put their new skills into action by assisting staff with our younger campers.

Participants will gain confidence, improve decision-making skills, and develop new friendships – all while having fun!

NOTE: Interested participants must APPLY to this program, and must be approved through an interview process.

Please see our website.

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YMCA Camp Wa Wa Segowea

There are 22 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Camp Emerson
Hinsdale, MA

Visit Our Camp Emerson Website
212 Longview Avenue
Hinsdale, MA 01235

Watch Our Camp Emerson Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Emerson campers design their own programs from 50 activities: athletics, visual arts, performing arts, watersports, swimming, wilderness, ropes course and our Step Beyond Program – cooking, science, engineering, woodworking and more! Located on 170 acres in the Berkshires. 2, 4, and 6 week sessions.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Sailing, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Swimming, Volleyball, Science, Academics, Computers, Technology, Gymnastics, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Basketball, Baseball, Team Sports, and more. Cooking, Engineering

Camp Emerson is a Top Adventure Summer Camp located in Hinsdale Massachusetts offering many fun and educational Adventure and other activities, including: Swimming, Computers, Wilderness/Nature and more. Camp Emerson is a top Adventure Camp for ages: 7 - 15.

CAMP LOCATION: 3 hours from NYC and Boston in the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts. 10 minutes outside Pittsfield and 20 minutes from Lenox and Tanglewood.

CAMP FACILITIES: 170 acres, 2 lakes and a heated pool, new dining hall, large gymnastics center, clay and hard tennis courts, art center, science center, theater, 20 cabins, large level camp.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Emerson is a premiere, overnight summer camp for girls & boys age 7-15. Campers design their own programs from 50+ activities including: athletics, visual arts, performing arts, watersports, swimming in a heated pool, wilderness and our Step Beyond Program - cooking, science, movie making, rocketry, CO2 race cars, engineering and More! We are known for our exceptional staff who give personal attention to each child. Emerson campers are creative, intelligent and kind. Located on 170 acres in the Berkshire Mountains of Western Massachusetts. 3 hours from Boston/NYC. Family owned since 1968. 2, 4 or 6 week options. Your child will gain independence, make lifetime friends and have tons of fun!

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We have Family Camp for all ages!

Our Camp Website Link:

See our website for this year's Dates & Fees: Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Emerson

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Newman YMCA Camp Wamsutta
Seekonk, Massachusetts

Visit Our Newman YMCA Camp Wamsutta Website
(508) 336-7103
472 Taunton Avenue
Seekonk, Massachusetts 02771

CAMPER AGES: K - 8th grade

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 8:30am - 6:00pm (before care optional)

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Trailblazers - are integrated into our day camping program and facilitated by trained passionate staff who lead campers through activities such as swimming, archery, sports, nature and low ropes course activities.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Theater, Swimming, Science, Math, Cheerleading, Soccer, Weightloss, Basketball, Baseball, Football, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are centrally located in Seekonk Massachusetts just minutes from the Rhode Island boarder. Our camp and full facility YMCA are on a rustic and wooded area. Campers get a dynamic experience that includes both outdoor and indoor environments.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have vegetable gardens, open fields dense woods, pool, gym, outdoor basketball courts, tennis courts, pavilions, playgrounds, and hiking trails.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We are an accredited camp through the American Camp Association (ACA). All staff are highly trained and certified in First Aid/ CPR, child abuse prevention, behavior management and inclusion, Education, Archery, and Ropes Course.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Youth will have leadership opportunities through Leader in Training and Councilor in training programs. These skills will be prepare participants for

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We remain open and accessible to all through our Financial Assistance program.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Vacation Camps in December, February, April.

Out of School Time programs; school year Monday-Friday school release time until 6pm serving schools in Rehoboth, Seekonk, and East Providence.

Weekly Sessions late June - August

Please see Our Camp Website Link: for Camp Jobs Posting.

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Newman YMCA Camp Wamsutta

There are 20 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Mass Audubon Stony Brook Day Camp
Norfolk, Massachusetts

Visit Our Mass Audubon Stony Brook Day Camp Website
108 North Street
Norfolk, Massachusetts 02056


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Daily 9:00-3:30 for 5yo and up and 9:00-12:00 for 4-5yo. After Camp Care available for from 3:30-6:00 some weeks

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: At Mass Audubon’s Stony Brook Nature Day Camp in Norfolk, campers ages 4–16 have fun and learn about nature through outdoor exploration and hands-on activities. Our well-trained and energetic staff, ACA accreditation, and 244-acre sanctuary provide a one-of-a-kind summer experience.

Wilderness/Nature, Science, and more.

Mass Audubon Stony Brook Day Camp is a Top Adventure Summer Camp located in Norfolk Massachusetts offering many fun and educational Adventure and other activities, including: Science, Wilderness/Nature and more. Mass Audubon Stony Brook Day Camp is a top Adventure Camp for ages: 4-14.

CAMP LOCATION: Known for its extensive boardwalk system that goes through forest, fields, and wetlands, Stony Brook offers up-close views of wildlife above and under the water. Located adjacent to the 140-acre Bristol Blake State Reservation and cooperatively managed with the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), this former 18th-century mill site now supports native wildlife.

CAMP FACILITIES: The sanctuary encompasses 245 acres of forest, field, and wetland habitats, each offering exciting opportunities for nature exploration. The 2 miles of trails on the sanctuary include a scenic boardwalk across a pond and marsh, and a trail for the visually impaired. Indoors, the visitor center contains displays on various natural history topics, program space, and a gift shop with nature-oriented items.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Stony Brook Day Camp gives children the chance to do what comes naturally—explore! Weekly sessions have campers ages 3–15 discovering our wildlife sanctuary’s forest, fields, and wetlands. Trail explorations, hands–on activities, games, crafts, and more provide full ecosystem immersion for an enhanced learning experience, while small group sizes ensure a welcoming, supportive environment.

Our goal is to provide an engaging and educational experience in a safe, supportive setting where campers learn to grow both as individuals and as part of a team and to understand, enjoy and appreciate the nature of Massachusetts

Campers at Stony Brook have the opportunity to investigate four varied habitats - pond, wetland, field, and forest as they form friendships that last a lifetime. Through a combination of outdoor investigations, non-competitive games, crafts and other activities, campers use the sanctuary as a living laboratory where they can observe and enjoy numerous plants and animals. They become young naturalists as they begin to identify wildlife species; junior scientists while critically thinking about environmental problems and solutions; and amateur ecologists predicting where they might find salamanders on a hot day.

Campers can attend multiple weeks without repetition and are encouraged to do so. Each session has a theme, and each week features different age-appropriate activities ensuring that each session is a unique experience. Children who return year after year achieve new levels of confidence and natural history proficiency.

Our staff’s enthusiasm for the natural world is contagious and quickly spreads to the campers. Marla Cohen has been camp director since 2002. A majority of the counselors are undergraduate students majoring in education or environmental science and are selected for their maturity and experience working with children in outdoor settings. This combination of youth and experience generates a highly motivated and vibrant atmosphere.

All camp staff are trained in First Aid and CPR. Prior to the beginning of camp, all staff participate in a week-long training session that includes program preparation and health and safety guidelines.

As an ACA-accredited camp, Stony Brook Camp meets both the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and American Camp Association standards for its program, staffing, counselor/camper ratios, health and safety policies, site and facilities, and administration.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: The CIT program provides an opportunity for teens and young adults to experience camp and receive leadership guidance and training, while acting as volunteer assistants to day camp counselors. This program is for youth ages 15-17 who are interested in learning about leadership and working with children. Teenagers are invited to experience the fun, stress, and rewards of camp as they assist Stony Brook Camp Counselors. CITs are expected to participate in the overall planning and implementation of weekly activities such as crafts, nature projects, camp songs and games. Our CIT’s Learn valuable job training and leadership skills as they work side by side with Counselors. The responsibilities given to CITs will help sculpt them into responsible adults and future stewards of our community.

CIT’s are looked up to and admired by campers. It is expected that our CIT’s will be enthusiastic about everything that they participate in and lead. CIT’s must set the example for the rest of camp—campers watch what CIT’s do. It is expected that a CIT will lead by example! CIT’s will not have sole responsibility for campers. The CIT’s will have the opportunity to help lead campers, but they will be supervised by staff at all times.
Application Deadline: May 26
Fee: $50

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: limited financial assistance to qualified families by application

OTHER CAMP INFO: Each session has a different theme to investigate. Age-appropriate activities deepen each camper’s knowledge and awareness as he/she returns throughout the summer and over the years.

All sessions except Discoverers are full day from 9:00am - 3:30pm. Campers can attend multiple weeks without repetition and are encouraged to do so. Discoverers sessions are half day from 9:00am - 12:00pm. Before camp care is available selected weeks from 8:00am -9:00am.

For Session Dates and Fees, please refer to our website at: Our Camp Website Link:

Day Camp Counselors
Look no further for the best summer job you will ever have! Stony Brook Day Camp, a Mass Audubon camp, is looking for some outstanding day camp instructors for the summer of 2020! Are you looking for a stimulating and rewarding experience where you can make a difference in a child's life? Then this is the place for you! Have fun exploring our 240 acre sanctuary and the diversity of life found in our ponds, marshes, meadows and forests with small groups of campers ranging in age from 4-14.
Our staff are role models to our campers and committed to the highest possible standards. Join our staff for the opportunity to meet some great kids and colleagues! It is truly is the hardest job you will ever love, and one which will make memories that last a lifetime! Instructors share in all camp activities including the supervision of campers’ health and safety; teach nature-based activities, communication with camp staff and parents, and supervision of high-school aged volunteers. Staff works cooperatively to create age-appropriate lessons, games and crafts.
Qualifications: Applicants must be at least 18 years of age or have two years camp experience in a leadership role. Have an interest and general knowledge of natural history and/or education and at least 2 years of experience working with and enjoy being with children; have the ability to lead groups over rough terrain. Must be able to work both cooperatively and independently. Current certification in Red Cross Community CPR and First Aid or an equivalent current certification is required (training opportunities provided).
Schedule: Training begins June 9, 2020 (some flexibility may be granted). Camp runs Monday-Friday June 22- August 21 (some flexibility may be granted).
Benefits: Earn from $14.00 – $14.20 per hour depending on experience. No housing available.
To Apply: Send cover letter, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Marla Cohen, Camp Director, Stony Brook Nature Center, 108 North Street, Norfolk, MA 02056 or email stonybrookcamp[AT]

Lead Preschool Counselor
Look no further for the best summer job you will ever have! Stony Brook Day Camp, a Mass Audubon camp, is looking for an outstanding lead preschool counselor for the summer of 2020! Are you looking for a stimulating and rewarding experience where you can make a difference in a child's life? Then this is the place for you! Have fun exploring our 240 acre sanctuary and the diversity of life found in our ponds, marshes, meadows and forests with small groups of campers ranging in age from 4-5.
Our staff are role models to our campers and committed to the highest possible standards. Join our staff for the opportunity to meet some great kids and colleagues! It is truly is the hardest job you will ever love, and one which will make memories that last a lifetime! Instructors share in all camp activities including the supervision of campers’ health and safety; teach nature-based activities, communication with camp staff and parents, and supervision of high-school aged volunteers. Staff works cooperatively to create age-appropriate lessons, games and crafts.
Qualifications: Applicants must be at least 18 years of age or have two years camp experience in a leadership role. Have experience and/or training focused on providing care for young children and teaching outdoors with children ages 4 to 5 years old. Have an interest and general knowledge of natural history and enjoy being with children. Have the ability to lead groups over rough terrain. Must be able to work both cooperatively and independently. Current certification in Red Cross Community CPR and First Aid or an equivalent current certification is required (training opportunities provided).
Schedule: Training begins June 9, 2020 (some flexibility may be granted). Camp runs Monday-Friday June 22- August 21 (some flexibility may be granted).
Benefits: Earn from $14.00 – $14.20 per hour depending on experience. No housing available.
To Apply: Send cover letter, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Marla Cohen, Camp Director, Stony Brook Nature Center, 108 North Street, Norfolk, MA 02056 or email stonybrookcamp[AT]

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Mass Audubon Stony Brook Day Camp

There are 19 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Camp Timber Trails
Tolland , MA

Visit Our Camp Timber Trails Website
1266 East Otis Road
Tolland , MA 01034

1266 East Otis Road
Tolland, MA  01034

CAMPER AGES: Elementary through Adult

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Camp Timber Trails facilities are available for rental by groups seeking a site hold overnight or day camps. Opportunites exist for week day and week end rentals, single day or multi-day programming. Large camp rentals are available May through October. Small camp rentals are possible year round.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Timber Trails sits on 417 forested acres in the Berkshire Mountains of western Massachusetts surround by the Tolland State Forest. A truly beautiful and secluded camping destination. Facilities include rustic cabin accommodations for 250, dining hall capable of feeding 500, Barefoot Ballroom with sprung wooden dance floor, large activity field and 16-acre private pond with beach and swimming area. Camp Timber Trails offers the perfect site to create an amazing camping experience.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Theater, Swimming, Academics, Team Sports, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: The entrance to Camp Timber Trails is located at 1266 East Otis Road in Tolland, MA just 2.5 miles from HWY 57.

CAMP FACILITIES: Lodging accommodations at Camp Timber Trails include rustic summer cabins sleeping 4-8; three private cabins with 1-2 bedrooms, bath, and kitchens; the Lodge sleeps 6 and has a meeting space for 60 and small commercial kitchen; the Welcome Center sleeps 2-6 and has meeting space for 25 and a kitchen. West Wind Dining Hall and kitchen can accommodate up to 500. The Barefoot Ballroom is uniquely fitted with a sprung wooden dance floor.

An outdoor amphitheater overlooking the pond has bench style seating for 200. The waterfront on 16-acre Ward's Pond includes swimming beach and docks for canoes, kayaks and row boats. The large activity field has plenty of space for softball, soccer, concerts, festivals and outdoor events.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Timber Trails is available for groups to rent for a single day, a week or a month. Our facilities allow groups the flexibility of creating their own unique camping program. Camp facilities are available from May through October for overnight groups with as few as 10 to as many as 250 participants. Non-residential day programs can accommodate groups larger than 250. Scheduling programs from November through April is also possible, however groups size is limited to 20 for overnight programs and 50 for day use.

Contact Camp Timber Trails on our website, by phone or email for current camp availability and rental rates.

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Camp Timber Trails

There are 18 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Camp Half Moon
Monterey, Massachusetts

Visit Our Camp Half Moon Website
888-528-0940 (Toll Free)
413 528 0940 (Tel)
413 528 0941 (Fax)

18 Camp Half Moon
Monterey, Massachusetts 01245

Camp Half Moon
P.O. Box 188
Great Barrington, MA 01230

Watch Our Camp Half Moon Video

CAMPER AGES: Sleepover Camp 6 to 16, Day Camp 3 to 15

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Camp Half Moon welcomes staff and campers from around the world and offers a non-sectarian program.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Half Moon has been providing children from around the world with a fun-filled and memorable summer camp experience for over 92 years. Camp Half Moon is located in the beautiful Berkshire Hills of Western Massachusetts and provides a safe, secure environment in which campers thrive, learn new skills, develop confidence and improve interpersonal relationships.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Sailing, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Swimming, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Basketball, Baseball, Wrestling, and more. Skate Boarding, Survival, & Pottery.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Half Moon is located 2.5 hours from Boston as well as New York City. We have a beautiful lakeside campus located in the Berkshire Hills of Western Massachusetts.

Visit us at Our Camp Website Link: for more information

CAMP FACILITIES: Camp Half Moon’s beautiful lakefront campus includes a full waterfront, heated swimming pool, archery field, high and low ropes course, skate park, playing fields, pottery and craft shops, theater, dance, gymnastics, two beautiful campfire areas, modern camper cabins, a new camper recreation hall, dance hall and a beautiful dining hall overlooking our Lake Buel.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Half Moon has been providing children from around the world with a fun-filled and memorable summer camp experience for over 92 years. Camp Half Moon is located in the beautiful Berkshire Hills of Western Massachusetts and provides a safe, secure environment in which campers thrive, learn new skills, develop confidence and improve interpersonal relationships.

Half Moon is a community that values and encourages each child's individuality; a community where campers not only have fun and develop life long friendships but also gain confidence and pride in their accomplishments. Instruction in all areas of activity is the foundation of our program. Campers receive valuable recognition for their efforts and accomplishments at our weekly campfire.

Our wide range of program offerings include Art & Crafts, Athletics and Team Sports, Theater, a full range of waterfront activities and Adventure/Wilderness activities. Our elective program approach allows our campers to choose from a wide variety of activities from Archery to Yoga and everything in between. Having the freedom to choose their own individual schedules and the flexibility to make changes weekly allows the campers to tailor their own summer camp experience.

New friends and adventures are what a summer at Half Moon is all about.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Camp Half Moon offers a three Leadership Program for campers entering grades 10-12. Please call for details.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Please call to inquire about available scholarships.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Half Moon offers a summer only program from June to August.

Please see out website for a full listing of sessions dates and fees.

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Camp Half Moon

There are 17 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below


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Massachusetts Location(s)

Visit Our Christodora Website
Manice Education Center
68 Savoy Road
Florida, Massachusetts 01247


1 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022

Watch Our Christodora Video

CAMPER AGES: 6th - 12th grade New York City students

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Manice Education Center is an exciting 1-3 week environmental leadership program, for students who are interested in canoeing, backpacking & nature exploration.

6th - 12th grade New York City students are welcomed!

Spaces fill fast, so call today for more info.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Team Sports, and more. Canoe, Backpacking.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Manice Education Center is an opportunity for campers to explore the environment while growing as leaders. During their 1-3 week experience, students will go on a backpacking and/or canoeing trip focused on learning about ecosystems and themselves. By taking risks and challenging themselves physically and mentally, students leave feeling confident and more connected to their natural surroundings. They will have the chance to swim daily and participate in low ropes course challenges and team building activities.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: It's free to apply, and we provide scholarships to make camp affordable for any family!

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Exploratory Course (6th and 7th Grade)

If you are new to camping or just want to play and learn outside, join us for 7 days at camp. Backpack or canoe into a nearby state park for your first overnight in the forest. See parts of nature you never knew were there. Get away from it all and relax with new friends!

Foundation Course (7th and 8th Grade)

Join us for a 2 week adventure where you will go on 3-day backpacking and canoeing trips to learn survival skills such as identifying wild foods you can eat and building a fire. See how team work makes it all possible!

Advanced Course (8th and 9th Grade)

In this 18-day session, you will paddle down a river from Vermont to New York for 3 days, and hike the Appalachian Trail to the top of Massachusetts’ highest mountain. You will also begin to discover your personal leadership abilities and how to protect the wilderness you’re enjoying

High School Leadership Training Course
(9th -­‐ 12th Grade)

During this 11-day course, you will co-lead your friends as you spend 5 days hiking or canoeing together. The Manice staff are ready to support you through these exciting challenges that prepare you to use your leadership skills both in the outdoors and in your daily life!

For the updated information, please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Wingate*Kirkland
Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts

Visit Our Camp Wingate*Kirkland Website
79 White Rock Road
Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts 02675

Watch Our Camp Wingate*Kirkland Video

CAMPER AGES: Day Camp: 4 -12. Overnight Camp: 7 -15.

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: At Camp Wingate*Kirkland summer means a wide range of interesting and fun activities on beautiful Cape Cod. We provide a program of choice that invites camper feedback and input, and a belief that everyone has something special to offer. New skills, increased self-esteem and lifetime friendships are the results.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Sailing, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Swimming, Volleyball, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Basketball, Baseball, Football, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located on 44 acres on beautiful Cape Cod. We are 90 minutes from Boston and 4 hrs. from New York. Please visit our website for camp photos and videos.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our cabins are modern with private bathrooms and showers. We have a recreation hall, a dining hall, outdoor basketball and tennis courts, multiple athletic fields, rustic amphitheater, and a pristine lake for swimming.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Wingate*Kirkland is a nurturing, coed, day and overnight camp where children are inspired and empowered with a choice of daily activities; indeed a traditional camp in many ways, staying true to old fashioned values. And like it was nearly 60 years ago, Camp W*K is not a “plugged in” camp. Children feel supported and confident to step out of their comfort-zone and try new things without the fear of failure. Camper safety, having fun, and developing life skills are our priorities. Camp W*K is also food allergy friendly and completely peanut, tree-nut and sesame free! The talented and dedicated staff have a wealth of experience mentoring children and focus on creating a warm and inclusive community that fosters respect for everyone.

We are ACA accredited.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our CIT program is for those finishing 10th grade and having previous Camp W*K experience.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Campers and their families are invited to join us at Family Camp for Memorial Day Weekend as our guests. Eat in the Dining Hall, participate in activities like tennis or softball, and even sleep in a bunk!

We strongly encourage families of first-time and veteran campers to join us. The weekend is an excellent opportunity for first-time campers to learn their way around Camp, meet some new friends and get comfortable before they arrive in the summer. Members of the Camp W*K Staff will also be in attendance to lead Planning Session, offer periods and answer questions.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Camp W*K is Food Allergy Friendly and Peanut, Tree-nut and Sesame Free

In addition to being completely nut and sesame free, we easily accommodate gluten-free, dairy, wheat, soy, egg, and fish allergies. Vegans or Vegetarians also appreciate our menu options. Our chef uses only fresh ingredients, cooks and bakes from scratch, and ensures there is no cross-contamination of food products. We partner with our families in ensuring that all food sent to Camp is ingredient-checked before being sent to the bunk. This includes food items made with sesame or peanut oil and/or produced in a factory that uses sesame or nuts. The safety and well being of everyone at camp is our priority. In the event of any emergency, we are within five-to-seven minutes of the nearest hospital.

Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: for information on Sessions, Dates & Fees.

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Camp WingateKirkland

There are 15 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Summer Fenn Day Camp
Concord, MA

Visit Our Summer Fenn Day Camp Website
516 Monument Street
Concord, MA 01742



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer Fenn Day Camp located in beautiful Concord, MA is for girls and boys ages 5-15 and is accredited by ACA. What sets us apart is our outstanding staff of professional educators who specialize in giving every camper an experience to cherish for a lifetime. Our Base Camp program includes Swim Lessons, Adventure, Arts and Crafts, Nature and Sports and Games.

We also offer a wide range of unique Special Programs as well as different Day Tripper programs that take the fun on the road. Hot lunch is included daily and transportation is available from surrounding towns. Give your camper the best summer ever!

Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, Fine Arts/Crafts, Theater, Musical Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Swimming, Academics, Computers, Technology, Soccer, Golf, Baseball, Team Sports, and more. Baseball, Lacrosse, Archery, Ceramics, Woodworking, Photography, Glass Arts, Jewelry Making, Lego Robotics, & Mountain Biking.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located at The Fenn School in historical Concord MA, one mile from Concord Center and just down the street from the Old North Bridge .

CAMP FACILITIES: Our indoor facilities include air-conditioned Dining Hall and classrooms, Woodshop, Ceramics Studio, Photography Studio and dark room, state of the art Performance Hall and gymnasiums. Our outdoor facilities include a heated swimming pool, three-sided, 35 foot climbing tower, high and low ropes course, turf and baseball field complex, playing fields and basketball court.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: All of our staff at Summer Fenn are 18 years or older and their talent, energy, experience, and dedication are absolutely unmatched! Most are teaching professionals and college aged students studying education or recreation.

At Summer Fenn, we are committed to guiding and celebrating our campers as they make choices about how to participate in our many programs. We challenge each camper to take responsibility for his or her own actions and attitudes, making the experience a positive one for everyone. The Summer Fenn Way is about seeking out ways to treat each other well and helping to make someone else’s day better. This is the essence of the Summer Fenn Way, and it guides everything we do.

OTHER CAMP INFO: All campers enrolled in Base Camp and Special Programs have the opportunity to participate in Electives. Electives give campers the opportunity to make choices while here at camp, whether its delving into a specific program area they enjoy or challenging themselves to try something new. Each week, campers choose from a variety of creative, active and fun activities, allowing them to tailor their own Summer Fenn experience.

Summer Fenn 2015 begins June 29th and runs on single week sessions thru August 21st. Please visit our website for more rates and specific program offerings.

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Summer Fenn Day Camp

There are 14 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Seahawk Summer Cape at Cape Cod Academy
Osterville, Massachusetts

Visit Our Seahawk Summer Cape at Cape Cod Academy Website
50 Osterville-West Barnstable Road
Osterville, Massachusetts 02655


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Fine Arts/Crafts, Theater, Musical Theater, Swimming, Volleyball, Computers, Technology, Soccer, Tennis, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Team Sports, and more.

Along With Our Recreational Day Camp We Also Offer Specialty Camps In The Following Areas:
Musical Theater
Creative Writing

CAMP LOCATION: We are centrally located on Osterville, MA, an easy 20 minute trip from the Sagamore Bridge.

CAMP FACILITIES: The camp is held on Cape Cod Academy's beautiful 46-acre campus with access and use of all of the school's facilities including tennis courts, fields, wooded trails, an outdoor heated swimming pool, air conditioned classrooms and gymnasiums.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Please visit our website for information on our programs, leadership and more!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Please visit our website for information on our leadership programs.

Camp Dates 2015:
June 22 to August 14.
Campers may sign-up for individual weeks or for all 8 weeks.

Fees for 2015:
$525 per week
$395 per week for junior camp
5% discount for 4 to 7 weeks
10% discount for all 8 weeks
*One discount applies per family

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Seahawk Summer Cape at Cape Cod Academy

There are 13 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Teen Treks
Massachusetts Location(s)

Visit Our Teen Treks Website
396 Porter Ave
Buffalo, New York 14201

Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, New Hampshire, New York

Watch Our Teen Treks Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Teen Treks gives teenagers the chance to discover the excitement and fun of bike touring with a bunch of like-minded people, seeing beautiful natural landscapes and world-class cities while gaining independence and travel skills.

Teenagers from all 50 states, plus Canada, Europe, and Asia join our trips – and everyone gets a lot of say in what the group does each day, from planning the details of the route to picking out what’s for dinner. If everyone wants to bike hard and get to the beach faster, you can do that. If you want to spend a little more time taking pictures at a breathtaking waterfall or a picturesque waterfront, you can do that.

Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, and more. Teen Bike Treks

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Teen Treks has been a leader in bike touring summer programs for 18 years. At Teen Treks we offer fun and not competitive biking experiences. Our Moderate rated trips are geared towards first time bicyclists, appropriate for most 14-18 year olds in average or better physical health. Our Easy treks are extremely easy in terms of daily mileage and terrain and will attract slower riders. For our Challenging treks you need to be in good shape and enjoy bicycling. We have had many first time riders do challenging treks and this is for those eager for a challenge.

Any teenager can enjoy one of our summer bike trips. We love a good challenge and we encourage teens to be ambitious, but we keep things fun, too – there’s always time to stop for ice cream, enjoy the scenery, or check out an awesome local restaurant or historical site.

Check our website for the latest trip offerings.

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Teen Treks

There are 12 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Brewster Day Camp
Brewster, Massachusetts

Visit Our Brewster Day Camp Website
888-396-2267 (winter) 508-896-6555 (summer)
3570 Main St
Brewster, Massachusetts 02631

PO Box 40052 Providence, RI 02940

Watch Our Brewster Day Camp Video



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Established in 1981, we are pleased to invite you to our exceptional community of dedicated families, children, teachers, coaches, and education administrators. Each year, we create BDC anew, building on the successes of past years and sharing in the unique magic and power of our phenomenal camp experience. We are thrilled to welcome you and hope that you will join us for what is sure to be another marvelous season sharing: courage, hope, good spirit, and peace!

Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Sailing, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Theater, Musical Theater, Swimming, Academics, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Basketball, and more. Academic Tutoring Available.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located adjacent to Nickerson State Park in Brewster, MA on beautiful Cape Cod.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our wooded 5 acre campus features an outdoor Olympic size swimming pool, playing fields, indoor and outdoor classroom spaces, a low ropes course and multiple play structures,climbing walls and swing sets.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Established in 1981, we are pleased to invite you to our exceptional community of dedicated families, children, teachers, coaches, and education administrators. Each year, we create BDC anew, building on the successes of past years and sharing in the unique magic and power of our phenomenal camp experience. BDC offers part and full time flexible schedules so that working and vacationing families from 30+ states and a dozen countries, can enjoy our safe, fun, kind and challenging programs - all of which are described in detail here on our web site. We are thrilled to welcome you and hope that you will join us for what is sure to be another marvelous season sharing: courage, hope, good spirit, and peace!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Camper Leader Program for 9th & 10th graders.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Cape Cod Outdoor Challenge low ropes course & BDC HOWLS after-school and vacation programming.

OTHER CAMP INFO: ACA Accredited Camp, established in 1981

Please visit the Dates & Rates page of our website for detailed information regrading our 8 one-weeks summer sessions which run from late June through mid August.

Thank you for your interest in working at Brewster Day Camp. Established in 1981, BDC is accredited by the American Camp Association. We pride ourselves on high teaching standards and the fact that we welcome back more than half of each previous summer's wonderful staff. At Brewster Day Camp, we have fun while challenging and nurturing children and supporting their families. We look forward to adding to our cadre of talented and dedicated educators.

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Brewster Day Camp

There are 11 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Drama Camp at Playful Minds
Springfield, MA

Visit Our Drama Camp at Playful Minds Website
245 Porter Lake Drive
Springfield, MA 01106


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Drama Specialty Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Starstruck Players Drama Camp with AKT (Amy Kimball Theater) Productions. A one week drama camp with acting, singing, dancing, writing, improv, comedy and more. Spaces fill fast. Call or register today.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Travel, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Swimming, Science, Academics, Computers, Technology, Tennis, Team Sports, and more. In Addition To Drama, Campers Will Enjoy Theme Days, A Water Slide, Nature Hikes & More.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located on the Longmeadow Ma/Springfield line conveniently off of Converse Street in Longmeadow.

CAMP FACILITIES: Enjoy a wonderful spacious indoor facility where we can break up into smaller groups in addition to a natural outdoor setting. Enjoy a hot lunch and snack every day.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Drama Camp is run and instructed by Amy Kimball, who has worked in the summer camp setting for 32 summers. She directed Summer Camp for 20 summers. Amy is an experienced Clown, Mime, Performer, Director, Certified Teacher and has had every role at camp from counselor to unit head to specialist to Director. Amy has her BA in Education and has directed over 15 theatrical productions over the years. She will be working with help from a talented staff of performers who have expertise in singing and acting. Amy's staff will go through a camp staff orientation to understand their roles and responsibilities as counselors.

Our philosophy is for campers to create, learn, enjoy and work together all in a positive setting. Drama camp is about process but at the end of the week, the campers will perform for their friends and families.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CITs who have experience in drama and/or other training programs may contact Amy to see if there is room to be a Counselor in Training. CITs must be entering 9th or 10th grade in the fall.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Friday, July 31st - Drama Camp Performance 4:30-5:30 pm

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Possible programs in the future.

Please download Drama Camp registration papers at Our Camp Website Link:

$250 for week includes lunch and snack daily.

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Drama Camp at Playful Minds

There are 10 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Wilderness Camp
Tyngsboro, Massachusetts

Visit Our Wilderness Camp Website
978-649-7611, ext. 313 
Academy of Notre Dame
180 Middlesex Road
Tyngsboro, Massachusetts 01879

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Full Day: 9am-3pm / Half Day: 9am-12:30pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Wilderness summer camp at the Academy is the perfect place for campers to learn about nature and the world we live in. Camp activities are designed to be educational, entertaining and fun. Our 250 acre campus has all the benefits and amenities of any New England camp site, with the added comfort and familiarity that only the Academy can offer.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, and more.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Wilderness summer camp at the Academy is the perfect place for campers to learn about nature and the world we live in. Camp activities are designed to be educational, entertaining and fun. Our 250 acre campus has all the benefits and amenities of any New England camp site, with the added comfort and familiarity that only the Academy can offer.

Some of the exciting skills campers will learn include:

-First Aid
-Plant identification
-How pollution affects the planet

Aug. 10-14

Full Day 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM $250
Half Day 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM $150

(Early Drop Off/Late Pickup Available)

Cost of participation:

Early Bird Discount: All registrations received by April 8th will receive a $25.00 discount for a FULL WEEK. All early birds paid in full will receive their 2015 camp shirt by May 4th!

Registration Deadline: May 25th is the final day for registration with no added late fee. Registrations received after May 25th will incur a $25.00 late fee.

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Wilderness Camp

There are 9 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Camp Sewataro
Sudbury, Massachusetts

Visit Our Camp Sewataro Website
One Liberty Ledge
Sudbury, Massachusetts 01776

Watch Our Camp Sewataro Video

CAMPER AGES: 3 -16 years old


CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Sewataro is a dedicated summer day camp rather than a school operating as a summer day camp. The directors work year-round, planning and developing summer programs for campers to enjoy in the great outdoors. Screen time is replaced by time spent in natural surroundings.

All the programs center on having fun rather than being the best. Campers are encouraged to leave their comfort zones and try something new. Ideally, each camper should realize, "I am a capable person! I can tackle anything I put my mind to." By overcoming new challenges, children gain confidence because they believe they have something valuable to offer others.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Swimming, Soccer, Tennis, Golf, Basketball, Team Sports, and more. Paintball, Softball, Street Hockey, Lacrosse, Nature, Campcraft, Gardening, & Cooking.

Camp Sewataro is a Top Adventure Summer Camp located in Sudbury Massachusetts offering many fun and educational Adventure and other activities, including: Basketball, Theater, Music/Band and more. Camp Sewataro is a top Adventure Camp for ages: 3 -16 years old.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Sewataro's 55-acre property offers a northwoods setting only 20 miles from Boston.The camp grounds consist of rolling hills, forests with wooded paths, and spring fed ponds.

CAMP FACILITIES: Swimming pond, boating and fishing pond, 4 outdoor pools, 2 outdoor basketball/street hockey courts, tennis courts, zipline, climbing wall, high and low ropes course, adventure kingdom, barn and horseback riding ring, 5 sports fields, target paintball range, music studio, golf driving, putting chipping areas, vegetable and herb garden, arts and crafts building, a variety of outdoor shelter areas.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Since 1960, Camp Sewataro has been sharing the joy of traditional day camping with boys and girls, initiating them into a world of new and exciting adventures, activities, and friendships. The Spirit of Sewataro creates memories that last a lifetime. Values such as teamwork, fair play, cooperation, and sportsmanship, are instilled and encouraged. This builds self-confidence and a sense of community, resulting in children who come away feeling good about themselves and believing they have something valuable to offer others.

Lunch service is available. Bus transportation is available from Boston, Cambridge and the MetroWest area. Our campers gather from as close by as Sudbury, Weston, Wayland, Winchester, Concord, Lexington and Brookline, and as far away as Beijing, South Korea, South Africa, Mexico and Columbia.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Sewataro’s Counselor-In-Training (CIT) program is a two-year leadership program for young adults who are interested in becoming camp counselors. Participants attend one four-week session each summer. The program’s objectives are to develop counselors who emphasize learning, fun and safety through a positive work ethic, leadership, and enthusiastic spirit and to provide its participants with a summer of personal growth and enjoyment. It provides a unique opportunity for participants to develop a sense of camaraderie and responsibility.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Sewataro is a family-run summer day camp. We are involved in the entire camp operation and take a personal interest in each camper. We feel Sewataro has something special to offer children, and we look forward to having you become part of the Sewataro family.

Please check out the following page for session dates and rates at: Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Sewataro

There are 8 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Camp Fire North Shore
Salem, Massachusetts

Visit Our Camp Fire North Shore Website
2 Cain Road
Salem, Massachusetts 01970


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Campers may be dropped off as early as 7:30am and picked up as late as 5:30pm. Scheduled camp programming runs from 9am

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Fire North Shore offers a three unique camp experiences based on the age of the camper. For campers age 5 through 4th grade there is Camp Waluta. Campers entering 5th & 6th grade will be in enrolled in Camp Discovery. Campers going into grades 7-9 will have the opportunity to take part in Adventure Camp. Our Camp is staffed by caring and talented professionals who are very excited to be part of your camper's day.

Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Science, Math, Technology, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Fire North Shore and our summer camp situated on 75 acres of wooded land, and includes hiking trails and the Spring Pond Reservoir. Please visit our website [AT] Our Camp Website Link: for more info.

Summer Camp with Camp Fire North Shore is $250/wk and will run for 11 weeks this summer, starting on June 21, 2021 and closing out the summer on September 3, 2021. More information concerning dates & fees can be found [AT] Our Camp Website Link:

We are looking for caring and talented professionals to be part of our team this summer at Camp Fire North Shore! Please view all summer job opportunities at the following link: 

Our Camp Website Link:

For questions about summer jobs with Camp Fire North Shore, reach out to Tim Short [AT] tshort[AT] 

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Camp Fire North Shore

There are 7 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Summer Arts Under The Umbrella
Concord, MA

Visit Our Summer Arts Under The Umbrella Website
40 Stow Street
Concord, MA 01742



CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Learning, growing, and experimenting through art is at the heart of what we do!

We offer arts for every interest. Children have the opportunity to try Drawing & Painting, 2D and 3D Mixed Media, Ceramics, Digital Arts and Film Making, Performance and Dance, Arts & Environment, Woodworking/Workshop and More!

Wilderness/Nature, Fine Arts/Crafts, Theater, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, and more.

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Summer Arts Under The Umbrella

There are 6 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Camp Quest Inc
Massachusetts Location(s)

Visit Our Camp Quest Inc Website
(540) 324-9088
Multiple Locations, includng
Staunton, Virginia 24402

Greenfield, MA
Thaxton, VA


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Quest camps offer a fun, secular summer experience that challenges campers to build relationships, develop critical thinking skills and explore humanist values. Open to all, Camp Quest provides an inclusive experience that celebrates diversity and cultivates empathy. In addition to traditional summer camp activities, such as swimming, outdoor adventures, skits and crafts, all campers participate in innovative programming incorporating the latest in scientific inquiry, freethought, cultural literacy, natural discovery and social/environmental responsibility. A value-based community, Camp Quest helps campers forge lasting friendships, cultivate an inclusive worldview and return home empowered to make an impact in their own communities.

Adventure, Fine Arts/Crafts, Swimming, Science, Academics, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Visit our locations page:
Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Camp facilities vary base on location.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our secular, co-ed summer camp programs are the synergy of our commitment to provide a learning experience grounded in science, ethics, philosophy, and nature.

Camp Quest campers come as unique individuals, learn and share in educational and inquisitive adventures, and leave as enriched individuals, confident in making an impact and passing on their humanist values in their own home communities.

Together we seek to Question, Understand, Explore, Search and Test

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Camp Quest Inc is committed to ensuring camp is assessible to all. Financial assistance and payment plans are available.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Camp Quest Inc., is an educational non-profit that supports a network of independently owned summer camps, as well as, operates camps under the National umbrella, across North America.

For dates and fees, please go to our website for complete information:

Our Camp Website Link:

Join Our Team!  Camp Quest Inc is hiring program leaders and group counselors.

To apply, visit Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Quest Inc

There are 5 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Wilderness Camp
Tyngsboro, Massachusetts

Visit Our Wilderness Camp Website
978-649-7611, Ext. 313
Academy of Notre Dame
180 Middlesex Road
Tyngsboro, Massachusetts 01879


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Full Day 9am - 3pm Half Day 9am - 12:00pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Wilderness summer camp at the Academy is the perfect place for campers to learn about nature and the world we live in. Camp activities are designed to be educational, entertaining and fun. Our 190+ acre campus has all the benefits and amenities of any New England camp site, with the added comfort and familiarity that only the Academy can offer.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Science, and more.
First Aid
Plant Identification
How Pollution Affects The Planet
Shelter Building
Teambuilding Skills
free Choice/ Sports Block

CAMP LOCATION: We are located closely to Rt3 and Rt. 495 in Massachusetts, making drop off easy and convenient for parents traveling along these routes for work.

CAMP FACILITIES: We offer indoor plumbing, a cafeteria, bean bag theatre, auditorium, gaga pit, tennis courts, 2 ponds, hiking trails, and so much more. Please visit the website for more information.

Wilderness Camp
Aug. 8-12 (session1) Aug. 15-19 (session2)

Full Day 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM $250
Half Day 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM $150

(Early Drop Off/Late Pickup Available)
7-9am and 3-6pm

Wilderness the Academy Way!!

Wilderness summer camp at the Academy is the perfect place for campers to learn about nature and the world we live in. Camp activities are designed to be educational, entertaining and fun. Our 190+ acre campus has all the benefits and amenities of any New England camp site, with the added comfort and familiarity that only the Academy can offer.

Some of the exciting skills campers will learn include:

First Aid
Plant identification
How pollution affects the planet
Shelter Building
Teambuilding skills
free choice/ sports block

Wilderness Camp
Aug. 10-14

Full Day 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM $250
Half Day 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM $150

(Early Drop Off/Late Pickup Available)

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Wilderness Camp

There are 4 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

ZooCamp at Franklin Park Zoo
Boston, Massachusetts

Visit Our ZooCamp at Franklin Park Zoo Website
617-541-LION (5466)
One Franklin Park Road
Boston, Massachusetts 02121

CAMPER AGES: 6 - 13 (Depending on program)

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. All programs are from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. daily

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Looking to go a little wild during summer break? Have a blast while learning about the amazing world of animals during Franklin Park Zoo’s summer ZooCamp! During one or two weeklong sessions, children ages 6 – 11 will learn exciting new things, make new friends, and get to explore the natural world around them! Animal encounters, outdoor games, arts and crafts, and tours are just some of the many unique activities campers will experience at ZooCamp.

In addition to these activities, a Junior Zookeeper program will be offered for youth ages 12 - 13. These two-week sessions will specialize in offering participants an advanced curriculum, behind-the-scenes opportunities with animal care staff well as a host of fun and exciting activities.

Wilderness/Nature, Science, and more.

Visit Our Camp Website Link: for session dates and pricing information.

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ZooCamp at Franklin Park Zoo

There are 3 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Camp JCC Springfield
Springfield, Massachusetts

Visit Our Camp JCC Springfield Website
413-739-4715 x 322
1160 Dickinson Street
Springfield, Massachusetts 01108

CAMPER AGES: Pre-k- high school

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 9 am to 4 pm, with an extended day option from 7:30-9 am, and from 4-6 pm.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: The JCC inclusion camp weeks:
June 24 - June 28, July 1 - 5 (with no camp on July 4), August 5 - 9, and August 12 - 16 are for campers who have success in a partial or full inclusive environment with supports.

The staffing ratio plan is for 2 inclusion campers to one staff member. Campers will receive daily swim instruction, participate in cooperative games, crafts projects, build social skills and learn self advocacy
techniques. An intake and interview are required prior to registration. Inclusion campers that require a 1:1 must provide their own or pay an additional fee.

The special needs department will run a substantially separate camp August 19 - 23.

Adventure, Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Travel, Theater, Swimming, Computers, Cheerleading, Soccer, Tennis, Basketball, Baseball, Football, and more. High & Low Ropes Course, & Archery.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located on the property of the Springfield JCC with a beautiful outdoor and indoor facility, including a pool, ropes course, field, and archery range.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have outdoor picnic groves, outdoor tennis and basketball courts, a baseball diamond and soccer field. Through the woods there is a high and low ropes course and an archery range. Our pool allows us to swim rain or shine, and we have a large gym, several racquetball courts, and an indoor climbing wall.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Youth who are eager to learn, develop and enhance their leadership skills in the camp setting, apply to be C.I.T.s. These future counselors train in daily sessions: covering many areas such as effective listening, peer relationships, role modeling and programming.

C.I.T.s work with different age groups learning developmental stages and finding their preferred age group. As a group project, the C.I.T.s will plan and implement a camp-wide carnival.

The C.I.T. program includes a 5-day, 4-night recreational trip to Club Getaway in Kent, CT, from July 15 - July 19. Teens will bond as a group and enjoy boating, rock climbing, group challenge activities, trapeze, giant swing and evening socials. Each applicant is interviewed after registering.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships are available. Please contact Jeff Rembrandt, Assistant Executive Director, for more information. Jeff can be reached at jrembrandt[AT]

Please see our website for more information.

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Camp JCC Springfield

There are 2 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camps Below

Joppa Flats Summer Camp
Newburyport, Massachusetts

Visit Our Joppa Flats Summer Camp Website
1 Plum Island Turnpike
Newburyport, Massachusetts 01950


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Monday - Friday: 8:30am- 3:00pm (optional After Camp until 5:00pm)

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Joppa Flats Summer Camp in Newburyport is the perfect program for children with an interest in and curiosity about nature. Campers ages 6 to 13 have fun and make friends as they discover North Shore habitats and wildlife through hands-on, place-based activities, such as wildlife tracking, orienteering, nature art, and eco-engineering challenges.

Wilderness/Nature, Science, and more.

Joppa Flats Summer Camp is a Top Adventure Summer Camp located in Newburyport Massachusetts offering many fun and educational Adventure and other activities, including: Wilderness/Nature, Science and more. Joppa Flats Summer Camp is a top Adventure Camp for ages: 6 - 13.

CAMP LOCATION: Our location serves as a gateway to Plum Island, as we are situated at the meeting place of the 20,000 acre Great Marsh and The Merrimack River. The Education Center hosts summer camp in our sunny backyard, where we catch the summer breeze off the river. Inside the building are two full service bathrooms, an adult education room, an observation blind and an air-conditioned children’s classroom where camp operates in inclement weather.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have a year-round Education Center with grounds that include wildflower gardens and a backyard for play and a birding view over the salt marshes around us. The Center has a touch-tank with tidepool wildlife during the summer, and has classrooms for camp use.


Our 5-day themed sessions give campers the opportunity to learn more about their natural surroundings – from insects to arachnids, birds to mammals, ocean to river, and meadow to marsh. Our Explorer and Trekker day camp sessions for ages 6 to 11 run from 8:30am to 3:00pm. Weekly field trips provide full ecosystem immersion. Small group sizes ensure a welcoming, supportive environment. We also offer an after camp option until 5:00pm for all sessions

Nature-Questers, our new day camp for ages 11 to 13, brings pre-teen campers farther outdoors with daily field trips, field ecology projects, paddling trips, and an overnight at Joppa Flats. The daily schedule runs from 8:30am-3:30pm.

Joppa Flats Summer Camp is the perfect program for children with an interest in and curiosity about nature. Campers ages 6 to 13 have fun and make friends as they discover local habitats and wildlife. Our days are filled with hands-on, place-based activities, such as wildlife tracking, orienteering, and nature art; games and cooperative challenges; and nature engineering projects. Multiple field trips each week provide full ecosystem immersion for an enhanced camp experience, while small group sizes ensure that campers stay safe and engaged.

Camp staff members are carefully selected for their maturity, caring attitude towards children, and competence in the fields of natural history, outdoor education, and leadership. All staff must pass background checks and receive training in safety, child development, and nature study. The camp director, in addition to having extensive camp and outdoor school experience, is certified in Wilderness First Aid, CPR/First Aid/AED, and Canoe Safety and Rescue.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Each Trekkers & Explorers Camp session we offer one volunteer counselor-in-training (CIT) position. CITs are at least 14 years of age, and should have a passion for learning about nature and working with children. To learn more and apply, please contact Camp Director Kirsten Lindquist at orgklindquist[AT] or call (978) 462-9998.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Limited camp scholarships are available. We provide financial assistance based on demonstrated economic need and available funds. This is generally limited to one session per child; however all applications are considered. To apply, mail or bring the Financial Aid Application to Joppa Flats Education Center, c/o Joppa Flats Summer Camp, P.O. 1558, Newburyport, MA 01950. We are located at 1 Plum Island Turnpike in Newburyport, MA. The deadline for priority consideration for financial aid is April 15, and applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications submitted after that date will still be considered, but funds may be more limited.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Joppa Flats Education Center offers youth and family programs year-round in addition to our summer camp programming. Check out the schedule of upcoming events at: Our Camp Website Link:

Please visit our website at Our Camp Website Link: for a full 2016 camp brochure.

For Information about becoming a Camp Counselor, please click: Our Camp Website Link:

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Joppa Flats Summer Camp

MA Adventure Camp Parents & Campers

Other Massachusetts Special Interest Summer Camps You Might Like to Know About...

Looking for Other Top Specialty Camps in Massachusetts? Here's a few links to other directories of MA Special Interest Camps, or you can find links to ALL our Special Interest Camp Directories in the black bar at the bottom of this page.

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Best MA Science Camps

Best Massachusetts Music Camps for Kids & Teens

Best MA Tennis Camps for Teens & Kids

Best Massachusetts Camps for Boys

There is 1 Top Massachusetts Adventure Camp Below

Massachusetts Boy Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in Massachusetts
Boston Minuteman Council, BSA
411 Unquity Road
Milton, MA 02186

For more info visit the website.

Massachusetts YMCA Camps
YMCA Camps in Massachusetts

YMCA of Greater Boston
PO Box 10
Mirror Lake, NH 03853

Visit the website for more information.

Would you like to see MORE Massachusetts Adventure Camps?

Over 23 MORE Camps to See!


MASSACHUSETTS ADVENTURE CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best Massachusetts Summer Adventure Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.

MASSACHUSETTS ADVENTURE CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER ADVENTURE CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.

In addition to our 2025 Massachusetts Summer Adventure Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.

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Updated: May 24, 2018

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